توجيهي الفرع العلمي 2024: 30 سؤال وإجابة في اللغة الإنجليزية


تعتبر مرحلة التوجيهي من أهم المراحل التعليمية في حياة الطالب، حيث تحدد مستقبله الأكاديمي والمهني. ومن بين الفروع المختلفة، يأتي الفرع العلمي كأحد الفروع التي تتطلب جهداً كبيراً واستعداداً مكثفاً. في هذا المقال، سنقدم لكم 30 سؤالاً وإجابة في مادة اللغة الإنجليزية، موجهة لطلاب التوجيهي الفرع العلمي لعام 2024، لمساعدتهم في التحضير للامتحانات النهائية.

الأسئلة والإجابات

القسم الأول: القواعد (Grammar)

  1. Question: What is the past tense of the verb "go"?
    Answer: Went

  2. Question: How do you form the present perfect tense?
    Answer: Subject + have/has + past participle

  3. Question: What is the difference between "much" and "many"?
    Answer: "Much" is used with uncountable nouns, and "many" is used with countable nouns.

  4. Question: What is the comparative form of "good"?
    Answer: Better

  5. Question: How do you form a question in the present simple tense?
    Answer: Do/Does + subject + base form of the verb

القسم الثاني: المفردات (Vocabulary)

  1. Question: What is a synonym for "happy"?
    Answer: Joyful

  2. Question: What does the word "biodiversity" mean?
    Answer: The variety of plant and animal life in a particular habitat

  3. Question: What is the opposite of "increase"?
    Answer: Decrease

  4. Question: What is a synonym for "important"?
    Answer: Significant

  5. Question: What does the word "sustainable" mean?
    Answer: Capable of being maintained over the long term without harming the environment

القسم الثالث: القراءة والفهم (Reading Comprehension)

  1. Question: What is the main idea of a passage?
    Answer: The central point or message that the author wants to convey

  2. Question: How can you identify the author’s purpose?
    Answer: By looking at the tone, style, and content of the text

  3. Question: What are context clues?
    Answer: Hints or information given in the text that help define difficult or unusual words

  4. Question: What is a summary?
    Answer: A brief statement that presents the main points of a text

  5. Question: How do you determine the meaning of an unknown word in a passage?
    Answer: By using context clues, word parts (prefixes, suffixes), and sometimes a dictionary

القسم الرابع: الكتابة (Writing)

  1. Question: What are the components of a good paragraph?
    Answer: Topic sentence, supporting sentences, and concluding sentence

  2. Question: How do you write a thesis statement?
    Answer: By clearly stating the main idea and the purpose of the essay in one or two sentences

  3. Question: What is the purpose of a conclusion in an essay?
    Answer: To summarize the main points and restate the thesis in a new way

  4. Question: How do you organize an argumentative essay?
    Answer: Introduction with thesis, body paragraphs with arguments and evidence, and a conclusion

  5. Question: What is a transition word?
    Answer: A word or phrase that links different ideas and helps the text flow smoothly

القسم الخامس: الاستماع (Listening)

  1. Question: How can you improve your listening skills in English?
    Answer: By practicing regularly, listening to various English media, and taking notes

  2. Question: What should you focus on when listening to a lecture?
    Answer: Key points, main ideas, and any repeated information

  3. Question: How do you take effective notes during a listening exercise?
    Answer: By writing down main ideas, keywords, and any important details

  4. Question: What is the importance of understanding the context in a listening exercise?
    Answer: It helps in comprehending the overall message and specific details

  5. Question: How can you identify the speaker’s attitude or tone?
    Answer: By paying attention to the speaker’s intonation, word choice, and context

القسم السادس: التحدث (Speaking)

  1. Question: How can you improve your speaking skills in English?
    Answer: By practicing regularly, engaging in conversations, and seeking feedback

  2. Question: What is the importance of pronunciation in speaking?
    Answer: It ensures clear communication and helps in being understood by others

  3. Question: How do you organize your thoughts before speaking?
    Answer: By outlining main points and practicing what you want to say

  4. Question: What are some common speaking strategies?
    Answer: Using fillers, paraphrasing, and asking for clarification

  5. Question: How can you build confidence in speaking English?
    Answer: By practicing regularly, starting with simple conversations, and gradually increasing complexity


التحضير لامتحانات التوجيهي يتطلب الكثير من الجهد والتركيز، وخاصة في مادة اللغة الإنجليزية التي تعتبر من المواد الأساسية. نأمل أن تكون هذه الأسئلة والإجابات قد ساعدتكم في تحسين مهاراتكم والاستعداد بشكل أفضل للامتحانات. نتمنى لكم التوفيق والنجاح في مسيرتكم التعليمية.

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